Last Update:  03 Jan 2004 - 17:20       Update now Awstats Web Site
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Reported period:
First visit Summary Last visit
01 Jan 2004 - 00:00 Month Jan 2004 03 Jan 2004 - 17:23
Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
(1.23 visits/visitor)
(11.88 pages/visit)
(125.79 hits/visit)
3.26 GB
(2583.16 KB/visit)
  Unique visitors: 1074Number of visits: 1322 Pages: 15714Hits: 166297Bandwidth: 3.26 GB Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0 Unique visitors: Number of visits:  Pages: Hits: Bandwidth: 0  

Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2004 1074 1322 15714 166297 3.26 GB
Feb 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 2004 0 0 0 0 0
May 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Jun 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Oct 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Nov 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 2004 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1074 1322 15714 166297 3.26 GB

Number of visits: 225Pages: 2734Hits: 29624Bandwidth: 296.14 MB Number of visits: 230Pages: 2734Hits: 24539Bandwidth: 578.91 MB Number of visits: 867Pages: 10246Hits: 112134Bandwidth: 2.40 GB Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Number of visits: 0Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0   Number of visits: 440.67Pages: 5238.00Hits: 55432.33Bandwidth: 1.09 GB

Day Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
01 Jan 2004 225 2734 29624 296.14 MB
02 Jan 2004 230 2734 24539 578.91 MB
03 Jan 2004 867 10246 112134 2.40 GB
04 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
05 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
06 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
07 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
08 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
09 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
10 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
11 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
12 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
13 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
14 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
15 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
16 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
17 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
18 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
19 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
20 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
21 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
22 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
23 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
24 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
25 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
26 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
27 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
28 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
29 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
30 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
31 Jan 2004 0 0 0 0
Average 440.67 5238.00 55432.33 1.09 GB
Total 1322 15714 166297 3.26 GB

Days of week  
Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 2734Hits: 29624Bandwidth: 296.14 MB Pages: 2734Hits: 24539Bandwidth: 578.91 MB Pages: 10246Hits: 112134Bandwidth: 2.40 GB Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Day Pages Hits Bandwidth
Mon 0 0 0
Tue 0 0 0
Wed 0 0 0
Thu 2734 29624 296.14 MB
Fri 2734 24539 578.91 MB
Sat 10246 112134 2.40 GB
Sun 0 0 0

Pages: 1130Hits: 11848Bandwidth: 193.62 MB Pages: 1344Hits: 14342Bandwidth: 270.86 MB Pages: 1028Hits: 11171Bandwidth: 312.02 MB Pages: 943Hits: 9662Bandwidth: 98.51 MB Pages: 928Hits: 9251Bandwidth: 124.05 MB Pages: 337Hits: 3163Bandwidth: 45.42 MB Pages: 262Hits: 3284Bandwidth: 24.88 MB Pages: 405Hits: 4744Bandwidth: 40.95 MB Pages: 755Hits: 7513Bandwidth: 56.00 MB Pages: 808Hits: 9773Bandwidth: 159.19 MB Pages: 668Hits: 7147Bandwidth: 291.04 MB Pages: 695Hits: 8346Bandwidth: 273.90 MB Pages: 665Hits: 6831Bandwidth: 195.40 MB Pages: 848Hits: 8127Bandwidth: 208.11 MB Pages: 957Hits: 8018Bandwidth: 307.08 MB Pages: 956Hits: 11401Bandwidth: 191.28 MB Pages: 887Hits: 11349Bandwidth: 172.94 MB Pages: 214Hits: 2021Bandwidth: 69.54 MB Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 0Hits: 0Bandwidth: 0 Pages: 992Hits: 8934Bandwidth: 165.24 MB Pages: 892Hits: 9372Bandwidth: 134.87 MB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00

Hours Pages Hits Bandwidth
00 1130 11848 193.62 MB
01 1344 14342 270.86 MB
02 1028 11171 312.02 MB
03 943 9662 98.51 MB
04 928 9251 124.05 MB
05 337 3163 45.42 MB
06 262 3284 24.88 MB
07 405 4744 40.95 MB
08 755 7513 56.00 MB
09 808 9773 159.19 MB
10 668 7147 291.04 MB
11 695 8346 273.90 MB
Hours Pages Hits Bandwidth
12 665 6831 195.40 MB
13 848 8127 208.11 MB
14 957 8018 307.08 MB
15 956 11401 191.28 MB
16 887 11349 172.94 MB
17 214 2021 69.54 MB
18 0 0 0
19 0 0 0
20 0 0 0
21 0 0 0
22 992 8934 165.24 MB
23 892 9372 134.87 MB

Visitors domains/countries (Top 10)   -   Full list  
  Domains/Countries Pages Hits Bandwidth  
net Network net 7062 72647 1.88 GB Pages: 7062
Hits: 72647
Bandwidth: 1.88 GB
com Commercial com 3256 35321 531.49 MB Pages: 3256
Hits: 35321
Bandwidth: 531.49 MB
Unknown Unknown ip 1776 18221 244.41 MB Pages: 1776
Hits: 18221
Bandwidth: 244.41 MB
jp Japan jp 921 10621 71.59 MB Pages: 921
Hits: 10621
Bandwidth: 71.59 MB
ca Canada ca 367 3677 289.68 MB Pages: 367
Hits: 3677
Bandwidth: 289.68 MB
au Australia au 325 3331 23.23 MB Pages: 325
Hits: 3331
Bandwidth: 23.23 MB
nl Netherlands nl 316 3954 33.62 MB Pages: 316
Hits: 3954
Bandwidth: 33.62 MB
de Germany de 204 2652 17.11 MB Pages: 204
Hits: 2652
Bandwidth: 17.11 MB
ar Argentina ar 179 1881 18.44 MB Pages: 179
Hits: 1881
Bandwidth: 18.44 MB
se Sweden se 142 1883 14.59 MB Pages: 142
Hits: 1883
Bandwidth: 14.59 MB
  Others 1166 12109 167.55 MB  

Hosts (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit   -   Unresolved IP Address  
Hosts : 1238 Known, 114 Unknown (unresolved ip) - 1074 Unique visitors Pages Hits Bandwidth Last visit 718 8344 47.88 MB 01 Jan 2004 - 01:49 548 4303 581.01 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 14:36 498 4205 143.13 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 15:33 272 1567 153.13 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 11:41 261 993 14.99 MB 02 Jan 2004 - 23:25 238 513 206.59 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 12:33 211 4289 13.96 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 11:39 207 828 121.70 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 16:58 182 987 20.39 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 15:32 145 2065 19.26 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 15:57
Others 12434 138203 1.97 GB  

Authenticated users (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit  
Authenticated users : 44 Pages Hits Bandwidth Last visit
ozaibito 686 8229 46.68 MB 01 Jan 2004 - 01:49
felixsch 535 4198 579.33 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 14:36
nimcam 443 3342 139.19 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 15:41
dmaurices 374 4084 15.90 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 16:34
markie 247 1162 149.79 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 11:41
laminator 238 509 206.59 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 12:33
mhicks 195 674 121.34 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 16:58
harold35 140 2022 18.70 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 15:57
muramatsu 123 880 104.02 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 02:12
philowu 117 246 52.50 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 05:41
Other logins (and/or anonymous users) 12616 140951 1.86 GB  

Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Last visit  
8 different robots Hits Bandwidth Last visit
Road Runner: The ImageScape Robot 811 5.33 MB 03 Jan 2004 - 14:44
Inktomi Slurp 8 45.55 KB 03 Jan 2004 - 16:38
Alexa (IA Archiver) 8 106.70 KB 03 Jan 2004 - 17:24
Googlebot (Google) 4 4.58 KB 02 Jan 2004 - 01:25
Scooter (AltaVista) 4 15.77 KB 03 Jan 2004 - 11:41
MSIECrawler 2 2.29 KB 01 Jan 2004 - 00:16
WISENutbot (Looksmart) 2 14.69 KB 03 Jan 2004 - 09:43
Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl') 1 1.88 KB 01 Jan 2004 - 00:28

Visits duration  
Number of visits: 1322 - Average: 384 s Number of visits Percent
0s-30s 569 43 %
30s-2mn 199 15 %
2mn-5mn 150 11.3 %
5mn-15mn 145 10.9 %
15mn-30mn 83 6.2 %
30mn-1h 43 3.2 %
1h+ 27 2 %
Unknown 106 8 %

Files type  
Files type  Hits  Percent Bandwidth
jpg Image 139033 83.6 % 1.05 GB
gif Image 11159 6.7 % 45.52 MB
html HTML static page 6503 3.9 % 37.50 MB
php HTML dynamic page or Script file 6277 3.7 % 52.79 MB
htm HTML static page 2177 1.3 % 11.77 MB
asf   675 0.4 % 2.06 GB
css Cascading Style Sheet 391 0.2 % 50.48 KB
pl HTML dynamic page or Script file 82 0 % 292.40 KB

Pages-URL (Top 10)   -   Full list   -   Entry   -   Exit  
1135 different pages-url Viewed Average size Entry Exit  
/members/modelGallery/popup.php 1268 499 Bytes   7 Pages: 1268
Average size: 499 Bytes
Entry: 0
Exit: 7
/nonmem/tour1.htm 873 8.54 KB 42 99 Pages: 873
Average size: 8.54 KB
Entry: 42
Exit: 99
/nonmem/bottom.html 818 2.95 KB 40 121 Pages: 818
Average size: 2.95 KB
Entry: 40
Exit: 121
/nonmem/ 803 291 Bytes 132 40 Pages: 803
Average size: 291 Bytes
Entry: 132
Exit: 40
/ 630 1.42 KB 542 24 Pages: 630
Average size: 1.42 KB
Entry: 542
Exit: 24
/members/theatre/interface.php 544 2.36 KB 1 6 Pages: 544
Average size: 2.36 KB
Entry: 1
Exit: 6
/hole_popup.html 492 519 Bytes 12 6 Pages: 492
Average size: 519 Bytes
Entry: 12
Exit: 6
/video-library2/html/vlNewRelease.php 451 25.51 KB 42 77 Pages: 451
Average size: 25.51 KB
Entry: 42
Exit: 77
/nonmem/exclusives.html 357 25.94 KB 25 24 Pages: 357
Average size: 25.94 KB
Entry: 25
Exit: 24
/nonmem/join.htm 312 1.46 KB 16 75 Pages: 312
Average size: 1.46 KB
Entry: 16
Exit: 75
Others 9166 243.39 KB 470 737  

Operating Systems   -   Unknown  
OS Hits Percent
Windows XP 96201 57.8 %
Windows 98 25364 15.2 %
Windows 2000 15375 9.2 %
Windows Me 13142 7.9 %
Mac OS X 7578 4.5 %
Mac OS 4378 2.6 %
Unknown 2054 1.2 %
Windows 95 841 0.5 %
Windows NT 522 0.3 %
Windows CE 409 0.2 %
Linux 321 0.1 %
WebTV 71 0 %
Aix 41 0 %

Browsers   -   Versions   -   Unknown  
Browsers Grabber Hits Percent
MS Internet Explorer No 150799 90.6 %
Safari No 7435 4.4 %
Netscape No 4783 2.8 %
Unknown ? 1356 0.8 %
Opera No 1065 0.6 %
NetShow Player (media player) No 607 0.3 %
OmniWeb No 164 0 %
WebTV browser No 71 0 %
UP.Browser (PDA/Phone browser) No 10 0 %
WebCollage (PDA/Phone browser) No 6 0 %
Konqueror No 1 0 %

Connect to site from  
Origin Pages Percent Hits Percent
Direct address / Bookmarks 4864 30.9 % 18784 11.2 %
Links from a NewsGroup        
Links from an Internet Search Engine - Full list
- Google 79 79
- Yahoo 56 56
- AltaVista 20 20
- Netscape 13 13
- Google (Images) 4 4
- AOL 4 4
- Lycos 3 3
- AllTheWeb 2 2
- Other search engines 2 2
- MSN 1 1
- Others 2 2
186 1.1 % 186 0.1 %
Links from an external page (other web sites except search engines) - Full list
- 40 40
- 36 36
- 18 18
- 18 18
- 16 16
- 15 15
- 14 14
- 14 14
- 12 12
- 12 12
- Others 181 181
376 2.3 % 376 0.2 %
Links from an internal page (other page on same site) 10027 63.8 % 146690 88.2 %
Unknown Origin 261 1.6 % 261 0.1 %

Search Keyphrases (Top 10)
Full list
47 different keyphrases Search Percent
brett mycles 34 21.6 %
jet set productions 28 17.8 %
jetset2000 14 8.9 %
tag eriksson 10 6.3 %
jason adonis 6 3.8 % 6 3.8 %
jarda malek 4 2.5 %
huge man meat 3 1.9 %
jakub moltin 3 1.9 %
curt studni 2 1.2 %
Other phrases 47 29.9 %

Search Keywords (Top 10)
Full list
82 different keywords Search Percent
mycles 47 13.5 %
brett 43 12.4 %
set 28 8 %
jet 28 8 %
productions 28 8 %
jetset2000 14 4 %
tag 11 3.1 %
eriksson 10 2.8 %
jason 9 2.6 %
adonis 8 2.3 %
Other words 120 34.6 %

HTTP Error codes  
HTTP Error codes Hits Percent Bandwidth
404 Document Not Found 15245 74.8 % 4.54 MB
302 Found 3042 14.9 % 866.38 KB
401 Unauthorized 1133 5.5 % 527.93 KB
206 Partial Content 882 4.3 % 494.39 MB
301 Moved Permanently 63 0.3 % 20.01 KB
403 Forbidden 1 0 % 300 Bytes

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